Store Credit Cards For Bad Credit. They are backed by Visa Mastercard American Express Discover or another major credit card company. Unsecured Credit Cards for Bad Credit An unsecured credit card is what most people think of as a regular credit card. Other good options for easy-to-get store credit cards include Nordstrom as well as Target and Walmart which offer store cards that come with significant savings opportunities. Closed-loop cards are typically easier to get for people with bad credit as compared to open-loop cards.
Issuers will generally require a minimum security deposit and some will even hold your deposit in an interest bearing account such as a CD. And for every dollar you spend youll earn three rewards points. The list below includes the best department store credit cards and their basic terms. Online Store Credit Cards for Bad Credit The best online store credit card for high approval odds is the Fingerhut Credit Account. These cards all share certain characteristics. The caveat here is if you have poor credit which restricts your options for rewards credit cards.
Pros of using a store card for bad credit.
Store cards tend to carry extremely high APRs. Department store credit cards often fall into that category of cards with high APRs and relatively low credit limits. Closed-loop cards are typically easier to get for people with bad credit as compared to open-loop cards. Department store cards seem to be some of the easiest store cards to get with bad credit. Pros of using a store card for bad credit. The TJX Rewards Credit Card is another great option for store credit cards for bad credit or store credit cards for fair credit.