Store Credit Cards Easy To Get. Not only that but this card gives you a 2 rebate on all your Menards purchases which can add up in a big way if you spend a lot at the store. Store credit cards often have no annual fee so if you pay your bill in full and on time each statement period you could get the perks of a store card with no cost. Other good options for easy-to-get store credit cards include Nordstrom as well as Target and Walmart which offer store cards that come with significant savings opportunities. Like store cards some secured cards dont have an annual fee but do offer rewards.
You can obtain some Comenity Bank cards without a hard pull on your credit report which significantly increases your chances of approval. Cards issued by Comenity Bank are generally easy to get approved for even if your credit score is lower than average. Store credit cards are enticing for many reasons. Why its one of the easiest credit cards to get. Pretty much all other store credit cards require fair credit 640 score for approval. Plus as with most store cards department store credit cards are closed-loop.
Cards issued by Comenity Bank are generally easy to get approved for even if your credit score is lower than average.
You can obtain some Comenity Bank cards without a hard pull on your credit report which significantly increases your chances of approval. The easiest department store credit card to get approved for is the Fingerhut Credit Account but thats only if you count an online retailer mail catalog as a department store. The Kohls Charge Card doesnt provide purchase rewards but it does provide exclusive cardholder offers and discounts each month that can be used in-store or online. Having a store credit card. The Petal 2 Card does not charge fees but it does reward cardholders with 1 - 15 cash back on purchases. Pretty much all other store credit cards require fair credit 640 score for approval.