Easy Store Credit Cards To Get. Other good options for easy-to-get store credit cards include Nordstrom as well as Target and Walmart which offer store cards that come with significant savings opportunities. Store credit cards often have no annual fee so if you pay your bill in full and on time each statement period you could get the perks of a store card with no cost. Retail cards tend to be easier to get approved for than many unsecured credit cards offered by major credit card companies. Your credit score is a big deciding factor for when it comes to getting approved for a credit cardFortunately there are two different types of credit cards you may be eligible for with bad or no credit.
If you have a slightly lower credit score there are still several good options both Belk and Boscovs offer closed-loop credit cards that come with store discounts. With more than 1100 stores across 49 states most consumers will likely have a Kohls nearby though the Kohls Charge Card can be used to make purchases both in store and online. Credit Card Forum indicates it is easier to obtain than a major credit card and estimates the minimum FICO score requirement to be in the mid-600s. The Petal 2 Visa is the easiest no-annual-fee credit card to get because it is a starter card available even to beginners with no credit history. The Petal 2 Card does not charge fees but it does reward cardholders with 1 - 15 cash back on purchases. Capital One Secured Mastercard no credit history.
With more than 1100 stores across 49 states most consumers will likely have a Kohls nearby though the Kohls Charge Card can be used to make purchases both in store and online.
If youre interested in a card with an annual fee do the math to make sure it can supply enough value to offset the fee each year in rewards discounts or cardholder benefits. The Kohls charge card enables consumers to save money throughout the year with access to exclusive store discounts and early sales offers and you get a special offer each month. If youre interested in a card with an annual fee do the math to make sure it can supply enough value to offset the fee each year in rewards discounts or cardholder benefits. Comenity has been helpful. Unfortunately credit cards for people with bad credit roughly a FICO Score 8 below 579 generally have low credit limits and high interest rates. Easiest Card to Get Approved for with No Credit The Secured Mastercard from Capital One is our top choice for an easy-to-get card when you have no credit history.