Easiest Store Credit Card To Get. This article lists all of their affiliations as well as the easier credit cards that you can apply for which is very useful for those with a poorer credit score. Its the only store card you can get with bad credit. Learn which store credit card is the easiest to get approved for. The caveat here is if you have poor credit which restricts your options for rewards credit cards.
You may be asked when checking out at your favorite local retail store or look for an application brochure near the cash register. Pretty much all other store credit cards require fair credit 640 score for approval. The caveat here is if you have poor credit which restricts your options for rewards credit cards. It comes with decent rewards in specific categories. And if you get a store credit card at a store you regularly shop at you can earn in-store discounts. Do store credit cards help your credit score.
Closed-loop cards are typically easier to get for people with bad credit as compared to open-loop cards.
If youre just starting out and dont have enough credit established to be approved for a card such as the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card you might have better luck with a store card. They are backed by Visa Mastercard American Express Discover or another major credit card company. The easiest department store credit card to get approved for is the Fingerhut Credit Account but thats only if you count an online retailer mail catalog as a department store. To qualify you must provide a refundable security deposit of 49 99 or 200 which will serve as collateral for a 200 credit limit. It comes with decent rewards in specific categories. You can either get the Walmart credit card or the Walmart MasterCard.